Quartz is a mineral resource with stable physical and chemical properties. Quartz stone is a abbreviation for the boards produced by quartz sheet manufacturers. Due to its main component, quartz content, which is over 93%, it is called quartz stone.
Quartz stone countertop refers to a cabinet countertop made of quartz stone. Quartz stone is a new type of stone artificially synthesized from over 90% quartz crystals, resin, and other trace elements. Its main material is quartz, which is another affordable and durable countertop material after artificial stone.
色麗石是很好的建材。 它是由天然礦石粉、聚脂樹脂及色母等混合制成的無毛細孔透心面材,無縫結合,延展性無限。具防火、耐磨損、低吸水率及抗菌防污等品質特性。還有色彩絢麗,無毛細孔,同時兼有天然大理石的幽雅與花崗巖的堅硬,并且具有木質的細膩,溫暖及陶瓷般的光滑。接縫緊密甚至無逢,線條渾圓流暢,可以做出任何造型用途廣泛,尤適用于講究品味的空間,如流理臺、接待柜臺、盥洗臺面等。
Serenite is a great building material. It is a hairless, fine porous, and transparent surface material made from a mixture of natural ore powder, polyester resin, and color masterbatch, seamlessly combined with unlimited ductility. It has quality characteristics such as fire resistance, wear resistance, low water absorption, and antibacterial and anti fouling. There are also vibrant colors, hairless pores, and a combination of the elegance of natural marble and the hardness of granite, as well as the delicacy of wood, warmth, and ceramic smoothness. The seams are tight and even seamless, and the lines are round and smooth, making it suitable for any shape. It has a wide range of uses and is especially suitable for tasteful spaces, such as flow tables, reception counters, washbasins, etc.
麗石又稱色麗石。 賽麗石(英文“Silestone”)為一位西班牙人在1989年研發成功并投入生產,十多年來該產品憑借其美觀、環保、實用的特性迅速占領了歐美等發達國家櫥柜臺面的中、高端市場,并且在家具、衛浴、室內裝飾等眾多領域也得到了廣泛應用。
Li Shi, also known as Se Li Shi. Silestone was successfully developed and put into production by a Spaniard in 1989. Over the past decade, this product has quickly occupied the mid to high end markets of cabinet countertops in developed countries such as Europe and America due to its beautiful, environmentally friendly, and practical characteristics. It has also been widely used in many fields such as furniture, bathrooms, and interior decoration.
So, chromite and quartz are the same type of stone, but with different names.
以上是關于 富美家色麗石 的介紹,若想了解相關知識可請點擊:http://m.ypjs.net.cn 我們將會全心全意為您提供滿分服務,歡迎您的來電!
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